2015-01-07 来源:  浏览:0
       艺术生选择留学院校,会根据艺术留学院校排名来做决定,如:Times排名。若你准备到英美学习服装设计专业,啊特艺术留学网下面的介绍将对你选校有帮助。 \   英美2014-2015年服装设计院校选校指南:
  USA-UK Fashion Design and the Related Program
  1. 服装设计Fashion Design: 女装Womenswear,男装Menwear,内衣Contour Fashion,针织衣,运动衣Sportswear等
  2. 配饰设计Accessaries Design:鞋子等
  3. 珠宝设计Jewelry Design:整合珠宝和金属加工
  4. 纺织品设计Textile Design
  总结:目前,在以上4类专业中,以fashion design 和珠宝设计申请人数最多,竞争最激烈。大部分还是学习总的fashion design比较多,纯粹性学习小分支的很少。
  MA Fashion Studies; MA Fashion and Textile Studies: History, Theory, Museum Practice;
  Parsons: MFA Fashion Design and Society, 以及管理学硕士的Design Management, Fashion Management.
  1. 讲解:AAS是副学士学位,两年制项目,全称为Applied Associate Degree。这绝对不等同于国内的专科证书文凭,也只有parsons和FIT这两所学校有。
  2. 内容:AAS专业性极强,学习内容多样化,从面料,设计到成衣制作,都是以高端、前沿和专业为导向,特为培养想要短期内成为动手能力强的著名设计师量身定做。都是正统的parsons和FIT老师教学,与本科课程完全一致。在fashion行业,AAS也就等同于本科学位。
  3. 申请:与本科申请一致,也需要提交语言和作品集。从招生背景来看,申请者必须具有本科或本科同等教育水平的人,或者高中毕业至少两年方可申请,绝对不是类似国内的大专是给一些考不上大学的高中生的。
  1. Parsons
  BFA Fashion Design,
  MFA Fashion Design and Society, MA Fashion Studies, MS Strategic Design and Management,
  AAS Fashion Design, AAS Fashion Marketing,
  2. FIT
  MA Fashion and Textile Studies: History, Theory, Museum Practice;
  Master of Professional Studies Programs : Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing and Management; Global Fashion Management
  AAS: AAS/BFA Accessories Design, AAS/BFA Fashion Design, (纽约一年,佛罗伦萨一年)
  BFA Fabric Styling, BFA Fashion Merchandising Management, BFA Marketing for the Fashion Industries, BFA Jewelry Design, Textile Development and Marketing, Textile/Surface Design.
  3. Savannah College of Art and Design
  BFA Fashion,
  Fashion MA., Fashion MFA.
  4. CIA: California Institute of the Arts
  BFA&MFA Costume Design
  5. SAIC
  BFA Fashion Design
  Master of Design in Fashion, Body and Garment
  6. RISD
  Apparel Design BFA
  MFA-Jewelry + Metalsmithing (JM)专业。侧重research,experimentation and creative practice.
  7. Otis College of Art and Design
  BFA Fashion Design
  8. 弗吉尼亚州立联邦大学 Virginia Commonwealth University:只有本科
  BFA Fashion Design, BA Fashion Merchandising
  MFA jewelry/metalworking
  9. Pratt Institute—Fashion Design只有本科
  BFA Fashion Design
  本科: CSM,LCF(专业细致且多元,有时尚策展,时尚新闻,时尚插画等),曼大(主要是纺织品设计和零售管理,发的学位都是BSC),格拉斯哥,切尔西(纺织品),金士顿,爱丁堡,普利茅斯,温尔不登艺术学院,伯明翰城市大学,伦敦创新艺术学院,南安普敦大学
  硕士:CSM, LCF,曼大,格拉斯哥,金士顿,爱丁堡,伯明翰城市大学,伦敦创新艺术学院,南安普敦大学
  1. CSM: 专业划分很细致,有男装,女装,marketing,针织衫(Knitwear),也有fashion marketing
  BA (Honours) Fashion, 具体分为:Fashion Design with Knitwear, Fashion Design with Marketing, Fashion Design Menswear, Fashion Design Womenswear, Fashion Print,
  BA (Honours) Fashion Communication
  BA (Honours) Jewellery Design; BA (Honours) Textile Design
  MA Fashion; MA Textile Futures
  2. London College Of Fashion:本硕都有。专业划分非常细致,并且有预科。
  BA 学位从全定制,到鞋,sportswear, 内衣,男装,女装,fashion jewellery, 戏服,饰品设计到纺织品设计都有。
  MA学位有Fashion Artefact (时尚手工制品),Fashion footwear, Fashion Design Technology, womenswear, Fashion and Environment, Costume Design for Performance,
  3. RCA:只有硕士
  MA fashion menswear, MA fashion womenswear
  MA goldsmithing, silversmithing, metalwork and jewellery, MA textiles.
  4. Chelsea College of Art & Design:只有本科,但有硕士时尚策展
  BA Textile Design, MA Textile Design
  MA Curating, 2013未招生,2014年开始重新招生。
  5. Edinburgh College of Art:本硕都有
  BA Fashion,
  MA/MFA Fashion, MA/MFA Jewellery, MA/MFA Textiles,
  6. University of Plymouth:只有本科
  BA Design (fashion), BA Design (fashion/Textiles), BA textiles & surface pattern(织物与表面样式设计)
  7. University of Manchester:本硕都有,但是偏纺织品
  BSc Design Management for Fashion Retailing (3years)
  Textile Design & Design Management (3 Years) [BSc]
  8. Kingston University London:只有本科
  BA Fashion:3年制, 需要作品集。
  MA Curating Contemporary Design (in partnership with the design museum) ;MA Fashion, MA Fashion Retailing(但为part-time)
  9. Wimbledon College of Art:只有本科
  BA Theatre and Screen---Costume Design
  10. Birmingham City University:本硕都有
  BA Art and Design, BA Fashion Design, BA fashion design with design for performance, BA fashion design with fashion accessories, BA fashion design with fashion communication, BA fashion design with garment Technology, BA fashion Retail Management, BA textile design,
  MA fashion design, MA fashion Accessory design, MA fashion promotion, MA fashion styling, MA jewellery, silversmithing, and related products, MA textile design.
  作品集要求(以FIT, Parsons, CSM为例)
  1. 本科:侧重创意和思维
  2. 研究生:专业度和探究过程要深入,专业技术成熟。包含4-5个项目,其中1-2个基础,2-3个专业性,。
  § A strong personal identity
  § Extensive research and rough work
  § Technical skills
  § 3-dimensional sense
  § Visual interpretation skills
  § Sensitivity to fabrication and colour
  1、 FIT:
  Ø 设计测试
  Ø 缝纫测试
  Ø Written Essay
  Parsons本科作品集8-12张图片就好,不需要提交成衣,而是绘画,草图,Portfolios can include drawings, paintings, photographs, digital media, design, three-dimensional work, web design, animation, video, and other digital media. Transfer applicants should submit a portfolio of 8–12 pieces in their area of interest.
  3、 CSM
  CSM: MA Fashion需要提交作品集,3月截止申请,作品集必须在20-50张之间,最少必须包含four projects 并且阐明具体的调研和设计过程,以及最后的成衣。
  The portfolio may be submitted on a CD in single file PDF format. If you would like to submit moving images such as installation, performance, or live fashion show work, please submit on a DVD format preferably with a maximum time of 5 minutes.
